
Buenas aca Favio. Trato de crear este blog con motivo de llegar a todos los estudiantes de computación e informática. Trataré de publicar noticias relacionadas a la URU sobre nuestra carrera y demás. Publicare libros, exámenes, manuales y demás. Quien quiera ayudar comente y publique! Saludos.!!

jueves, 30 de septiembre de 2010

Introduction to Algorithms (MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science)

Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, and Ronald L. Rivest, "Introduction to Algorithms (MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science)" 
The MIT Press | 2000 | ISBN: 0262031418 | 1048 pages | PDF | 65,9 MB

There are books on algorithms that are rigorous but not complete and books that cover masses of material but are not rigorous. Introduction to Algorithms combines the attributes of comprehensiveness and comprehensibility. It will be equally useful as a text, a handbook, and a general reference.

Introduction to Algorithms covers both classical material and such modern developments as amortized analysis and parallel algorithms. The mathematical exposition, while rigorous, is carefully detailed so that it will be accessible to all levels of readers. Chapters are organized so that they start with elementary material and progress to more advanced topics.

Each chapter is relatively self-contained and can be used as a unit of study. Algorithms are presented in a pseudocode that can be easily read by anyone familiar with Fortran, C, or Pascal. Numerous pertinent examples, figures, exercises, and case-study problems emphasize both engineering and mathematical aspects of the subject.

Professional Visual Studio 2010

Professional Visual Studio 2010 (Repost)
By Nick Randolph, David Gardner, Michael Minutillo, Chris Anderson
Publisher: Wiley Publishing, Inc. | 2010 | 1226 Pages | ISBN-10: 0470548657 | ISBN-13: 9780470548653 | True PDF | 56,5 MB

A must-have guide that covers all the new features of Visual Studio 2010.
Visual Studio allows you to create and manage programming projects for the Windows platform, and the new 2010 version has undergone a major overhaul comprised of significant changes. Written by an author team of veteran programmers and developers, this book gets you quickly up to speed on what you can expect from the newest version of Visual Studio.
Packed with helpful examples, this comprehensive guide explains how Visual Studio 2010 offers you a unique look at the beginning of the IDE's evolution: improved code navigation, annotation and extensibility with the WPF-based shell; better performance and scalability for native code; and fundamental improvements in debugging and test-driven development.
Examines the new features of Visual Studio 2010, which allows you to create and manage programming projects for the Windows platform
Walks you through every facet of the Integrated Development Environment (IDE), from common tasks and functions to its powerful tools
Offers real-world uses for each tool, command, and shortcut of the IDE so that you can easily apply what you learn as you progress through the book
Includes coverage of application platforms that are supported by Visual Studio 2010, including SharePoint, Windows Azure, RIA Services, and the ADO.NET Entity Framework
Features additional code samples in C#, as requested by readers of previous editions
With this book, you'll explore each aspect of the development life cycle from a perspective of how Visual Studio 2010 can make your life easier.

C++ by Example (Programming Series)

Greg M. Perry, "C++ by Example (Programming Series)" 
Que | 1992 | ISBN: 1565290380 | 790 pages | PDF | 2,4 MB

Uses examples, exercises, short chapters, and many marginal illustrations and explanations to show those with little or much programming experience how to operate the C++


C# Bible por Jeff Ferguson, Brian Patterson

C# Bible by Jeff Ferguson, Brian Patterson
Publisher+: Wiley | June 15, 2002 | ISBN: 0764548344 | Pages: 591 | PDF | Size: 17,4 MB

Blending the object-oriented power of C++ with the simplicity of Visual Basic, C# is the ideal language for building sophisticated .NET components and applications. This all-in-one guide by a team of .NET programming pros delivers everything you need to get up and running with C# – a complete tour of the language and practical guidance on developing a variety of .NET solutions. Take the language tour and get the scoop on C# basics and object-oriented techniques as well as on advanced topics such as delegates and versioning. Then turn to the solutions section for all the examples and source code you need to jumpstart a C# project, whether it’s a Windows Form or an ASP.NET application.

Inside, you’ll find complete coverage of C#
* Get up to speed on expressions, functions, data types, and other C# fundamentals
* Master classes, overloaded operators, inheritance, and other object-oriented tools
* Harness the power of namespaces, interfaces, enumerations, and delegates
* Explore the ins and outs of exceptions, attributes, versioning, and unsafe code
* Create real-world Windows Forms and WebForms applications
* Build components to access files or a database
* Use C# in an ASP.NET application
* Integrate COM with .NET using C#

100omprehensive, the C# Bible will have even beginning programmers up and running with Microsoft's new C# language quickly and easily. But this title does not stop at just presenting the C# language - it teaches practical application development in the new .NET Framework. Starting at ground zero, readers will benefit from veteran developer Jeff Ferguson's insight into topics that include:
* Background of C#
* .NET concepts
* Defining data with variables
* Building containers with arrays
* Writing expressions and statements
* Object Oriented Programming with C#
* Maintaining state with fields
* Defining behavior with methods
* Building WinForm and WebFom applications
* Using C# in ASP.NET
* Working with COM

C++: The Complete Reference, 4th Edition

Simplemente exelente! El libro es muy bueno, consta de bastantes páginas pero solo pesa unos 3.3 MB más o menos.. Se los recomiendo totalmente!

C++: The Complete Reference, 4th Edition 
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Osborne Media | ISBN: 0072226803 | edition 2003 | PDF | 1023 pages | 3.3 mb

Master programmer and best-selling author Herb Schildt has updated and expanded his classic reference to C++. Using expertly crafted explanations, insider tips, and hundreds of examples, Schildt explains and demonstrates every aspect of C++. Inside you'll find details on the entire C++ language, including its keywords, operators, preprocessor directives, and libraries. There is even a synopsis of the extended keywords used for .NET programming. Of course, everything is presented in the clear, crisp, uncompromising style that has made Herb Schildt the choice of millions. Whether you're a beginning programmer or a seasoned pro, the answers to all your C++ questions can be found in this lasting resource.

Beginning Visual C# 2010

Beginning Visual C# 2010 
Publisher: wrox | ISBN: 0470502266 | edition 2010 | PDF | 1080 pages | 91.2 mb


Get ready for the next release of Microsoft’s C# programming language with this essential Wrox beginner’s guide. Beginning Microsoft Visual C# 2010 starts with the basics and brings you thoroughly up to speed. You’ll first cover the fundamentals such as variables, flow control, and object-oriented programming and gradually build your skills for Web and Windows programming, Windows forms, and data access.
Step-by-step directions walk you through processes and invite you to “Try it Out,” at every stage. By the end, you’ll be able to write useful programming code following the steps you’ve learned in this thorough, practical book.

jueves, 16 de septiembre de 2010

Curso IBM programar es fácil - 47 Libros.. IMPERDIBLE!!

Buenas, aca les traigo esta exelente colección de 47 libros de la IBM!! vale la pena, son como 190 MB pero creanme, los ayudará.


Programar es Fácil [1-20] : MegaUpload
Programar es Fácil [21-47] : MegaUpload

Guia Autoevaluativa: MegaUpload 

Curso de programación indicado para quienes se inicien en programación, que viene bien editado y con el material adecuado, y queda por nuestra parte emplear el tiempo con provecho, si es así podremos adquirir los conocimientos necesarios para adentrarse en este mundo extraordinariamente interesante.
Los lenguajes de programación que comprende son la mayoría de los más utilizados actualmente como por ejemplo Html, C++ o Java junto con otros más.


Como Programar en C/C++ - Deitel


Este libro es todo un clásico de la programación en C/C++. No es, ni mucho menos, una obra completa acerca de C/C++ pero sí resulta excelente para quién se inicie, ya no en la programación con estos lenguajes, sino en la programación misma. Explica cada concepto muy detalladamente con código fuente de ejemplo realmente clarificador y propone multitud de ejercicios.

La ventaja de este libro sobre los otros es que tiene una gran cantidad de ejemplos totalmente explicados ademas de sugerirte ejemplos para adquirir mas experiencia. Es indispensable si quieres volverte todo un profesional, y tal vez te enseñe mas que cualquier curso por otro lado.

# Entender los conceptos básicos de las ciencias de la computación.
# Familiarizarse con los distintos tipos de lenguajes de programación.
# Entender el entorno de desarrollo de un programa C++ típico.
# Aprender a escribir programas simples en C++.
# Aprender a manejar instrucciones sencillas de entrada y salida.
# Conocer los distintos tipos de datos fundamentales.
# Aprender a emplear los operadores aritméticos.
# Entender la precedencia de los operadores aritméticos.
# Aprender a escribir instrucciones sencillas de toma de decisiones...
Y mas temas.

Metodología de la programación : a través de pseudocódigo

Por fin algo en español, trataré de publicar más. Muy buen libro sobre programación, enfocado al pseudocódigo, muy utilizado y muy sencillo a la vez. Saludos!!


El pseudocódigo es un lenguaje algorítmico, de alto lenguaje utilizado para escribir con mucha más abstracción instrucciones de un lenguaje de programación.
El pseudocódigo está pensado para facilitar a las personas el entendimiento de un algoritmo, y por lo tanto puede omitir detalles irrelevantes que son necesarios en una implementación. Programadores diferentes suelen utilizar convenciones distintas, que pueden estar basadas en la sintaxis de lenguajes de programación concretos. Este libro le enseñará los aspectos básicos del pseudocódigo, entrando así en una compresión al implementar un programa o aplicación, si estas comenzando y quieres aprender a programar el pseudocódigo es la base de todo lo que vendrá después.

Miguel Ángel Rodríguez excelente programador hispanoamericano, nos dará en su libro los conocimientos y la entrada al mundo de la programación con bucles, convenciones, algoritmos, búsquedas, constructores, destructores, tipos de datos, Arrays, etc.

Manual de practicas del Laboratorio de Circuitos Electricos y Electronicos

A los que les da fastidio entrar en la pág. original acá les dejo la descarga directa del manual de laboratorio de circuitos eléctricos y electrónicos.

C++ Plus Data Structures

Libro parecido al anterior que he subido anteriormente. Esta mejor comprimido asi que pesa menos. Saludos!!


Updated and reorganized, C Plus Plus, Plus Data Structures, Fourth Edition explores the specifications, applications, and implementations of abstract data types with unmatched accessibility. Written by renowned author and educator Nell Dale, this text provides intuitive explanations that clarify abstract concepts, and approaches the study of data structures with emphasis on computer science theory and software engineering principles.
Topics such as modularization, data encapsulation, information hiding, object-oriented decomposition, algorithm analysis, life-cycle software verification models, and data abstraction are carefully presented to foster good software engineering techniques in students from the beginning of their careers. In addition to the meaningful exercises and case studies that define Nell Dale s teaching philosophy, this fourth edition provides an increased emphasis on object-oriented design and an early introduction of object-oriented concepts.

Data Structures and Problem Solving Using C++ -

Buen libro sobre la resolución de problemas mediante el uso de algoritmos, y una introducción a la estructura de datos aplicados al lenguaje C++.


Data Structures and Problem Solving Using C++ provides an introduction to data structures and algorithms from the viewpoint of abstract thinking and problem solving, as well as the use of C++. It is a complete revision of Weiss' successful CS2 book Algorithms, Data Structures, and Problem Solving with C++.
Throughout this edition, Mark Allen Weiss has included the latest features of the C++ programming language-making prevalent use of the Standard Template Library (STL) wherever appropriate. He has also included a new chapter covering Patterns, as well as new material on templates, vectors and push_back.


Robert L. Boylestad “Introductory Circuit Analysis - Décima Edición

Exelente libro, no se confundan con la palabra introductorio, es muy bueno, muy completo y explica muy sencillo. Perfecto para aquellos sin mucha experiencia en esta área tan relevante en la actualidad. Sin más acá el libro. Muy recomendado!!


THE most widely acclaimed introduction to circuit analysis for more than three decades. Features exceptionally clear explanations and descriptions, step-by-step examples, more than 50 practical applications, over 2000 easy-to-challenging practice problems, and comprehensive coverage of essentials. PSpice, OrCAd version 9.2 Lite Edition, Multisims 2001 version of Electronics Workbench, and MathCad software references and examples are used throughout. Computer programs (C++, BASIC and PSpice) are printed in color, as they run, at the point in the book where they are discussed. Current and Voltage. Resistance. Ohm's Law, Power, and Energy. Series Circuits. Parallel Circuits. Series-Parallel Networks. Methods of Analysis & Selected Topics. Network Theorems. Capacitors. Magnetic Circuits. Inductors. Sinusodial Alternating Waveforms. The Basic Elements and Phasors. Series and Parallel ac Circuits. Series-Parallel ac Networks. Methods of Analysis and Related Topics. Network Theorems (ac). Power (ac). Resonance. Transformers. Polyphase Systems. Decibels, Filters, and Bode Points. Pulse Waveforms and the R-C Response. Nonsinusodial Circuits. System Analysis: An Introduction. For those working in electronic technology.

Avisan si están rotos los links cualquier cosa.

Embedded Systems and Computer Architecture - Graham Wilson

Buenas acá traigo mi primer aporte. Un buen libro sobre diseño lógico, estructura del computador, programación y mucho más!... Bueno sin más acá les dejo el libro..


Les dejo un comentario del libro:

he author has taught the design and use of microprocessor systems to undergraduate and technician level students for over 25 years. It is a core text for academic modules on microprocessors, embedded systems and computer architecture. It offers a practical design-orientated approach. A free CD-ROM features a unique microprocessor simulator, and accompanying website contains solutions, FAQs and updates to software.

Here is a book to answer the question of how computers work for those without knowledge of digital or logic circuts, computer structure, or programming. An excellent text for undergraduates in electronic engineering or computer science, it will also be extremely useful to those who want to learn about computer architecture. - Optics and Photonics News, March 2004 
